Prayer is the work.

At Riverside, we believe that prayer is not just a part of our work, but it is THE work. Prayer is our foundation, our strength, and our connection to God's power. Whatever it is you are going through, you are not alone. We want to be a family that prays to God together.

If you share our passion for prayer and would like to join this vital team, there are several ways to join us below. Together, let's seek God's will and power as we intercede for our church and community.

Prayer Prompts

The following prayer prompts are short, focused phrases or themes designed to guide and structure your time of prayer focused on the Lord's Prayer from Luke 11:1-4. They serve as a framework to help you engage with God in a meaningful and intentional way.

Each prompt represents a different aspect of prayer, such as reverence, seeking God's will, confession and forgiveness, and guidance and protection. By using prayer prompts, individuals can deepen their prayer life, grow closer to God, and align their hearts with His will.

  • Begin by honoring God’s name as holy and praying for His kingdom to come. Approach God with awe and respect, acknowledging His sovereignty and greatness.

    Luke 11:2

    your name be honored as holy.
    Your kingdom come.”

  • Humbly seek God’s provision for each day, asking for your daily needs to be met. Trust in God’s faithfulness to provide for your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

    Luke 11:3

    “Give us each day our daily bread,”

  • Take time to confess your sins before God, acknowledging where you have fallen short and asking for His forgiveness. Also, extend forgiveness to others who have wronged you, following the example of Christ’s love and grace.

    Luke 11:4a

    “And forgive us our sins,
    for we ourselves also forgive everyone in debt to us,”

  • Seek God’s guidance and protection in navigating life’s challenges and temptations. Pray for strength to resist temptation and stay on the path of righteousness, relying on God’s wisdom and power to lead you.

    Luke 11:4b

    “And do not bring us into temptation.”